Distance can be broken down into two meanings. Physically being distant from someone or something. Or mentally being distant from someone or something. When studying abroad, many choose places that are distant from where they’re from. Why? Some feel they physically need to be dropped into an entirely new environment to give themselves clarity with struggles in their home environment. Some mentally need the feeling of distance from their home or people to gain new insight or perspective about something. One of the biggest benefits you gain while studying aboard is time. In addition to time, you are placed into an environment without distractions and common opinions you usually listen to on a daily basis. This allows you to fully diverge into a journey of self-care and self-love. All the distractions you’re immune to stop, your daily routine is put on a halt, and you can truly let your mind wander in whichever way it wants; whether thinking about future you, current you, or past you.
Studying aboard is not all about traveling the globe. It is discovering yourself through the experiences you encounter out of your common thoughts. You’re put into these challenging or exciting situations that catapult you into thoughts and feelings you would’ve never felt following the same sequences of events at home. I can think of roughly five people at the top of my head that they are never going to change their lifestyle. They will be doing the same thing, reliving the same experiences over and over again for the rest of their life. Some people do not like change. I respect that. But, here’s some advice, just because the people around you don’t seek adventure doesn’t mean you can’t. I know, sounds pretty self-explanatory, but there are people out there that do not discover who they are outside of their bubble because of how strong of an influence they have around them. People will keep on living their selected lives, you can’t morph yours to fit with the people around you. That makes you a follower. I, personally, do not feel myself as a follower. Leading my own life is pretty damn cool. Yes, I’ve made my mistakes but they have all lead me into the path I am supposed to be in. Studying abroad has given me that reminder of myself. This distance from my friends and family allows me to work on aspects of my life I love and some I hate.
Now I understand the cliché saying studying abroaders alwaaays say when they go home: that trip changed me forever. I mean how could it not? You’re thrown into these situations you have to decipher completely outside your comfort zone. In worse case scenarios, home is too far for mommy and daddy to save you. You’re on your own girl. The tug from homesickness rises and falls throughout your time abroad, but it makes home and things you miss even more special. In the end, the mental and physical distance is sometimes what people need when you’re at a point in your life where a new chapter is coming up and you need to redefine your personal grounding. Staying on two feet can be tough, but working through your needs and wants without distractions will truly give you that refocus you maybe didn’t even think you needed. This is your blog post. Great looking images make your blog posts more visually compelling for your audience, so choose media that really wows. Adding fun and compelling videos is another great way to engage your audience and keep them coming back for more. Want to spice up your post with a gallery? It’s never been easier to customize your content and captivate your readers.
By: Amanda Delgado